How To Start Working Out

Whether you’re starting for the first time or you’ve been on a lengthy break, starting a new workout routine can be overwhelming.

So, how should you start working out (again)?

Between work, family, and social obligations, it’s easy to let the stress of “where exercise fits into your schedule” keep you stuck between the couch cushions.

You know that you should workout, and you should eat better.  But you also know if you don’t take action, you’ll probably just should all over yourself.

So if you’ve decided it’s time to take action, this post is all about how to start working out.

Find Exercise You Enjoy

You don’t want to select a type of exercise you don’t enjoy.  The truth is most exercise is effective… if you actually do it.


If you hate running, joining a running club will only be slightly more productive than talking politics at Thanksgiving dinner. 

Does riding an exercise bike make you want to Google relief for chronic ass pain?  Spin classes might not be for you. 

The point is to find the exercises or the group you enjoy and your chances of staying consistent increase dramatically.

Just hate burpees? So do the rest of us. Suck it up and keep reading.

Pick a Good Location

One of the biggest reasons people don’t stay consistent with their workouts is choosing the wrong location. You’ll want to find the best environment for you . Whether it’s a traditional gym, personal training studio, or a garage gym. 

This can be a struggle for people trying to workout at home because they choose a room they associate with relaxation. 

If you’ve developed a meaningful relationship with your couch, it’s unlikely you’ll break that bond and workout in that room . This is why garage gyms are so popular with people committed to working out from home.

If you choose a fitness studio that’s 30 minutes out of your way because your friends go there, you may find that you quickly start to dread the commute.

Many people looking at how to start working out “feel like” their chances of success and consistency are better by recruiting friends.

Although this sounds great in theory, it’s probably the reason Planet Fitness gives out doughnuts because it’s the only way you’ll show up.

If you’re seeking an accountability partner, look for someone who is currently working out consistently, and your chances for success will skyrocket.

Chances are you can find an accountability partner at a location that is convenient for your life. When you find a workout buddy at an inconvenient location, you’ll probably burn most of your calories making excuses.

Start Small, and Set Activity Goals…Not Just Outcome Goals  

It’s easy to get frustrated if you don’t set goals for the activities necessary to reach the desired outcome. Losing 10 lbs might be your outcome goal, but what activities are you going to do to get there.

If you haven’t worked out in the last decade, planning to workout 5 days a week probably won’t end the way you hope. 

It’s shocking how many people go from not training to overtraining , and back to not training. 

Don’t make this mistake and give people a chance to say I told you so. 

Start small with 2 or 3 shorter workouts per week, and slowly increase your frequency and activity level once you’ve built some confidence.

Keep Gym Clothes Accessible

If you’re going to the gym after work, keep a gym bag with a back-up set of clothes & shoes in your car. 

Working out early before going to the office?  Lay your clothes out the night before.  While it seems silly, this lame excuse has derailed more good intentions than Girl Scout cookies.

You Need Both Strength Training and Cardio  

At least 5 times a day someone will put down 10lb dumbbells and tell me they need more cardio. 

Typically speaking, women believe they need more cardio. They worry if they pick up anything heavier than their purse they’re going to get bigger , and possibly recruited for a role in a superhero movie.

Conversely, men tend to focus heavily on strength training and ignore cardio because well…it sucks. (And it does.) But we need cardio. Allegedly.  It’s kind of like broccoli in exercise form. 

Most people prefer one or the other, but we need both strength training and conditioning in our weekly routine.

Work With a Personal Trainer

Another reason people don’t stay consistent with working out is not knowing what exercises to do. Nobody wants to feel stupid in a room full of people.

This is one of the reasons busy adults work with personal trainers and avoid traditional gyms. They’re busy, and don’t want to spend the time researching and planning the exercises, sets and reps for their workouts.

Small Group Personal Training is also great option for people looking for an efficient, well-designed program that can fit any schedule. These sessions can be a more economical way to work with experienced personal trainers.

Make Your Plan

If you’re planning to workout at a traditional or garage gym, you’ll need to design a program, and what exercises you’ll do.  Keep your goals in mind so you don’t struggle with the balance between progress and variety.

You’ll want to focus on more than just one body part , even if your goal is to have the world’s greatest booty. 

Unless you’re absolutely certain your schedule will permanently accommodate 3 or more strength training sessions per week, you’ll likely benefit from a full body workout rather than a split routine.

no day is leg day

If you keep missing leg days, and starting over with upper body days, you increase your chances of ending up on a fitness meme.

We recommend including exercises for all the basic human movements (push, pull, hinge, squat, lunge, rotation and loaded carries).

Don’t be afraid to add kettlebell swings and ab exercises to spice up your workouts.

After you’ve selected your exercises, you’ll need to determine the sets and reps for your workouts.

Once you’ve determined your sets and reps, you’ll be able to select the right weights for those exercises. We recommend warming-up with weights for strength training, and if you’re one of those that likes to jump right into the workout, you may want to program your warm-up sets.

You may encounter people and internet articles recommending training to failure (inability to perform another rep). Here are the 3 reasons we don’t advocate this approach.

Schedule Your Workouts

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing and that’s why we recommend it daily.”  – Zig Ziglar

Still wondering how to start working out? I saved this one for last because it’s the most important. If you plan to workout when you feel like it, you’ve already lost.

You can do everything above but if you miss this step, things typically go wrong sooner rather than later.

Treat your workouts like they’re appointments with yourself, and remember that Bosses Don’t Cancel. Don’t negotiate with your “inner bitch” when she wants to reschedule.

You only get 1 body to live in, so treat it better than your house or your car.


Follow these recommendations and you’ll be well on your way to finding a  consistent fitness routine.

Stay mindful of the 80/20 Rule,  as it applies here as well.

If you would like assistance with how to start working out, or finding the best plan for you, contact us today to set up your free No Sweat Intro.

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