Find Your Tribe

It’s been said that you are the average of 5 people you spend the most time with. 

Finding and choosing your tribe is important in life because of the heavy influence they have on you and your decisions. 

When joining a gym, you’re looking for a tribe that supports you, a tribe who doesn’t judge you, a tribe who holds you accountable, and a tribe that is all working towards the same goal in making quality training, nutrition, and lifestyle a priority.

Joining a small group facility could be an easier way for you to find the kind of people you want to surround yourself with, due to how close knit and small the community is.

The hidden benefits of finding your tribe include:


Most things in life are easier when doing them alongside others.

Seeing other people who started where you are and are achieving what you want to achieve, has the ability to boost your drive and motivation.

Social Connections

People want to feel like others are excited and happy to see them.

Building friendships and connections with people makes working out more enjoyable.

And when it’s not as enjoyable.. at least you’re suffering together.

Together, people can accomplish so much more than they can alone.


It’s difficult to skip a workout when you know that you have a tribe who will be holding you accountable.

Holding each other accountable keeps everyone on pace to reaching what they set out to achieve.

A good tribe won’t let you fall down when life gets tough.

They will pick you back up and keep you going in support of you and your goals.

Shared Knowledge

You know what they say.. knowledge is power.

Being a part of a tribe gives you access to so much information that you can use in your life.

Someone in your tribe may have done or tried something that you’ve been thinking about doing.

They can share their experiences, tips, and resources with you.

Networking Opportunities

When you are trying to connect with higher level people, then spending time where they are is only going to help you connect.

Talking and making connections with these people can open doors that you would’ve never seen.

Inspiration and Role Models

When you meet someone who had to overcome a similar obstacle, it changes your mindset from “I can’t do that” to “How can I do that”.

Having a role model shouldn’t stop when you’re young.

Being around those people who inspire you will push you to become a better version of yourself.

Celebrating Successes

Adults don’t get the chance to celebrate their successes often.

Being part of a tribe changes that.

Being celebrated makes people feel good and gives them the refresh they need to keep going.

Your tribe will always celebrate you and your wins, giving you more confidence to keep working hard towards your next goal and accomplish things you didn’t know you could accomplish.

Access to Events and Challenges

Joining tribes will give you more access to different workshops, events and challenges that provide more opportunities for engagement and learning.

Opportunities make things possible, so take them when you’re able to take them.

Now that you know the hidden benefits to finding your tribe, it’s time to go find yours.

Afterall, who doesn’t want to belong to a badass tribe?

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