Deload Training 101

Are you hitting a plateau in your training?

This could be a result of training at a high intensity for a long period of time.

Most people start working out with the hopes to see progression toward their goal. 

It’s a misconception that people need to push themselves until there’s nothing left in the tank every workout or else it wasn’t a good workout. 

When you stay training at a high intensity, your body is eventually going to fail you. 

A car that’s going 120mph cannot sustain that speed without wearing down the tires and ruining the engine. 

Your body works the same way. It needs recovery. 

A deload phase gives your body that recovery.

Without it, you are likely to hit a plateau in your training and progress. You are also more prone to injury. 

How do you know when to deload?

This would come if you start seeing regression in your strength, suffering from consistent tweaks and injuries, or after a max strength training phase. 

At No Limits, our deload consists of three sets of eight at 55%, 65%, and 75% of your max effort for your main lifts. 

The prescription above is considered active recovery, moderate volume with a lower intensity. 

Active recovery in the form of a deload is encouraged over the option of taking time away from the gym completely to rest.

When you take time off, you get out of routine which breaks the habit of training consistently. When you start breaking that habit, you are more likely to fall off and lose everything you’ve been working for.

Every time you fall out of habit, the cycle starts over.. you sign up for a gym, take time off, quit, hate how you look and feel again, and re sign up for a gym membership starting from scratch.

On the flip side of deloading, remember if you don’t have heavy days, you don’t need light days.

If you’re not training at a high intensity, there is no reason for you to deload because you are not putting your body through enough stress to do so.

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